Today was the first day of school.
The boys say that they weren’t ready to go back to school, but I can tell that they were a little bit excited (my words, not theirs-they would never admit it.) My Kindergartner was so excited I think he asked me if he could go to sleep at 7am because he wanted to wake up and do it all over again tomorrow! Unfortunately he only goes to Kindergarten every other day, so he has to wait a day before he can do that. It’s ok though because he was really tired after his first day and I think he needs a little nap tomorrow (but what do I know, right?)
The last couple of weeks have been so very busy here. I keep meaning to update my blog on a regular basis, however my giveaways are sort of taking over and once I’m done typing them up I am tired and ready for bed. I hope to get more caught up on the giveaways and be able to blog more about my life for those of you that like to read it. (I know there are a few of you because you have emailed me! And thank you for caring!)
Lately my luck with electronics has been really bad. My internet keeps shutting down every time I get on my laptop to update my blog. It has been so very frustrating. What is even more frustrating is that if our internet is down so is our home phone. This has been going on for the last week and I feel like I have been without phone and internet more than I have actually had them. You know what is really weird though? Every time I call tech support the darn thing comes back on before they ever even do anything. Weird, right?
It doesn’t stop there though. Last year (in May) I purchased a new cell phone (a Droid). I loved my Droid, however I had some problems with it (a couple of times) and I was sent a new (refurbished) phone. The new (used) phone worked for a while, but then recently I started to have problems again. I contacted my cell provider and they told me that I am actually eligible to upgrade at a discount if I like. I was all excited because everyone has been talking about the HTC Thunderbolt and the iPhone, so I wanted one too! So I go to the place that sells these phones and I purchase the cool new HTC Thunderbolt (which is so cool!-keep reading…) I get the phone home and my internet won’t work on it. Really???? I call the place I just purchased it from (they are 20 minutes from me and getting ready to close) and she gives me a tech support number to call. I call the tech support and the guy there tells me that I need to take the phone back to the place I got it the next morning and get a new one because that definitely should not happen. He says not to let them kick me out of the store until I have a new phone in hand. My whole reason for this phone was so I would have internet, so the next morning I go in there all ready to complain and get my new phone and guess what? My darn internet starts working! I get to the store and they see my internet is working and tell me that the new 4G just launched in my area, so that is probably what caused my problems. I’m like, ok good enough excuse and I leave. (My internet has been fine since.) Now I’m really liking my phone and then today it starts freezing up on me. I’m trying to read a text and respond and it won’t type what I’m typing or won’t open what I’m trying to open. I’m really frustrated because it has already been a really long day, so when the boys get home from school I feed them supper and then load them (all 5 of them) into the vehicle and take them to the store where I got my phone. We get there, the lady takes my battery out of the back of the phone, puts it back in and then starts playing around with it. She looks at me and says, it appears to work just fine to me. I’m like, well it doesn’t work fine for me. What am I to do? So, she sends me on my way. I get home, call tech support (because I want to be sure this is all noted in their charts just in case I continue to have problems and end up needing a new phone.) Tech support tells me that it’s not the phone, it’s the software. Ok, so is the software not a part of the phone? Now I’m confused! So, for now the phone seems to be working ok and I guess my internet is running at the moment. I’m going to just keep my fingers crossed and hope my bad luck with electronics stops here.
But the boys all did have a good day in school today and I spent some nice one on one time with the 2 younger boys at home. I can’t believe how much I can get accomplished in just a couple of hours time when I only have 2 at home!
More to Come on Raising My 5 Sons…
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