I was really excited about reviewing this product because I spend a ton on haircuts for all of the boys and myself every month. Of course, I will not be using this product on myself at any point in time. However, I do think that we are going to get good use out of this product with the boys and my husband.
When the product arrived in the mail a couple of days ago we were all so excited that we had to try it out right away! Ok, I admit, I was excited and my hubby and boys were probably a little scared that I was going to do something to mess their hair up! As a matter of fact the younger 3 boys ran from me and my oldest insisted that Dad had to go first!
I assure you that no one was harmed and everyone’s hair looks great!
See for yourself…
My husband’s Before Pic
(His hair only really needed a trim, it wasn’t crazy long like my oldest son’s.)
After Pic…
9 year old son’s Before Pic…
After pics…
9 year old son’s Before back of head…
9 year old son’s After back of head…
Bid difference, right?
I have a really hard time getting my 9 year old to take time out of his busy schedule for a haircut. He is always telling me he likes his hair longer, but I really just think he hates getting his hair cut.
He was surprised that the Aircut did not pull his hair like the clippers do and that it actually felt like he was getting a head massage at times.
The best part about the Aircut is that I didn’t have a mess of hair all over my floor to clean up like I usually do when I cut my family’s hair! The Aircut stores the hair in the back of the hand held device and can easily be dumped when you are finished with your cut!
This hair cutting system is so simple and so easy to use that I think even one of the kids could handle it! (Not that I would let them, and I’m not promoting that either, but if you do let your kids I want to hear all about it!)
To get your own Aircut system like the one that I received visit the Aircut site HERE.
The best part is that my readers (yes, that’s you!) will receive 25% OFF if purchasing the Aircut by following the link above and entering promo code UPSAIRCUT2009
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(The Aircut Hair cutting system was sent to me free of charge. This had no effect on my opinion of the product. I only give honest reviews for products that I try whether they were free or paid for out of my own pocket. I wouldn’t like to read a false review on another site, and you won’t find that here. Thanks to our kind sponsor for donating a free Aircut for us to try!)