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Today was a pretty lazy day for us. Not a lot going on here. We did finally get a little rain, which wasn’t enough to do much, but was so needed. Let’s just hope we get a little more soon. I don’t normally wish for rain, but our grass is really starting to turn brown and everything is getting so dry.
I did my grocery shopping today. You wouldn’t believe how much 4 little boys can eat in one week! My children are still young too. I’m sure that when they are all teenagers I’m going to have to get a couple of jobs just to pay for food. ha ha! As I have said in the past I love going to Kroger because I seem to get so much for my money. My mother in law went with me tonight and she pushed a cart for me. I filled 2 full carts! Crazy how much you can fit in an SUV as well.
The boys made a special request before I left for the store. They wanted me to get the stuff to make bacon brownies. Now I know this sounds really odd and kinda gross, but if you like bacon and you like brownies it’s worth a try! I was actually reading a blog one day of one of my fellow blogger friends,Molly at I’m a Sleeper Baker, when I came across this idea. She had said that she heard about eating bacon and chocolate together, so she made brownies and made bacon and tried them in the same bite. So, I was thinking why not make the bacon and then throw it into the brownie mix? You would not believe how fast the boys gobbled it up! They loved it and have since been asking me to make bacon brownies. So tonight when I bought the bacon I decided to take the easy route and purchased Hormel REAL bacon bits. I plan to cook some up tomorrow. I’m sure my hubby and boys will be so happy!