Did the title catch your attention?
No, I don’t really believe that I can do anything you can do, better. However, as a Mom of 5 boys I’m often reminded of this catchy little phrase. Boys are so very competitive. I guess I should stop and say that all kids can be competitive, I just don’t have any girls to compare, so this post will be about boys, however feel free to throw your 2 cents in if you have girls and let us know if you can relate, or if it’s totally different on your end.
Now I often hear other mothers complaining about their children fighting and not getting along. It’s normal, that’s what they do, but sometimes they can take it to the extreme (5 boys–I know!) With that being said, I do think a little competitiveness is healthy. Do I want my boys rubbing it into one anothers faces when one wins and the other loses? No, however I do feel like it’s ok to work hard at something and to believe that you are great at something. I feel like too many kids people give up too easily. Life is not always easy, things are not always sweet and fun and with a cherry on top, but don’t let that stop you from achieving something you want to do.
Fear gets in the way of a lot of us. I have heard one of my boys say that he couldn’t ride his bike because he was afraid he would wreck it again. Fear, it was getting in his way. It’s times like those that we need to teach our children to stand up to that fear, face it head on and take control. Fear often holds us back (not just the kids) because we are too afraid to stand up to it.
Are you afraid of something?
Afraid of failure? Afraid of what might happen if things don’t work out the way you planned? All too often we sit back and let others do things that we wish we could be doing. Why? Because we are too afraid of failing. We underestimate ourselves and don’t push ourselves.
I’m here to tell you that you need to push yourself. You need to trust that if you put your mind to something, you really can do it! Is it going to be easy? No, but that’s the great thing about it…For if everything in life we easy, what accomplishment would you feel when you completed it? The way you feel about yourself in the end is greater than anything else.
Try it…push yourself a little further today and see how you feel. And remember to encourage your children to do the same. They are capable of so much, even at a young age.
More to Come on Raising My 5 Sons…
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