I have never talked about my boys names on my blog.
In earlier posts I announced that all of my boys names begin with Cs. I have always wanted to tell you about my boys and I believe I am ready to just that!
How did you come up with the names for your children?
I am really interested in hearing this because we had such a hard time deciding on some of our boys’ names, especially the last few. There are only so many C names you can use, and while some like to choose the most popular names I know others like to do just the opposite.
When I was pregnant with my first I really wanted to name him Hayden.
My husband just wasn’t sure about that name and he really wanted to name him Caleb.
After going back and forth on names for a while I finally took the C from Caleb and put it in front of Hayden and we came up with Caiden! It has suited him well and we are both glad we were able to compromise and come up with the perfect name for him.
Our second son came along and we tossed a couple of names back and forth. We really liked the names Carter and Carson, however we wanted this child to be named after his grandfather, so we were using grandpa’s name as his middle name (all of our boys have middle names after grandfathers.) While I really liked the name Carson, we decided to go with the name Carter, since it sounded better with the middle name we had picked out. (Yes, we always knew the middle names, but had to come up with the first names.)
Our third son came along and we really thought his name would be Carson since we hadn’t used it yet, however a couple of other family members had named their children Carson, or were going to soon be naming them Carson, and we figured Carter and Carson were pretty close (both Car.) When talking to my mom about names she told me that her father once had a friend named Corbin. When I heard that I knew that was the name and my husband agreed. Our third son’s name is Corbyn.
As you can imagine, when our 4th son was born it was getting a lot harder to decide on a name. We didn’t just want to go with any old name because it had a C, and we knew others that had C names as well, so we couldn’t use some of those. We decided on the name Cooper for our 4th son and it has fit him so very well.
When our 5th son came along I really was unsure of the name we were going to choose. We had always said if we ever had a girl we would name her Camdyn and call her Camy for short. Since our 5th was going to be our last I wanted to use Camden for a boy or Camdyn for a girl, but my husband wasn’t real thrilled about that. Since our oldest son is Caiden and the male version of Camden is only one letter different we decided against that name. We didn’t find out the sex of this baby, so we had one girls name, Camdyn picked out and the boy name we chose was Colton!
I am very pleased with each and every one of my boys names and if I were to go back in time I would choose the same name for each and every one of them.
Did you have a hard time deciding the names of your children, or did they just sort of come to you?
(This post brought to you by Baby Name Train.)
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