On July 22nd (the day before I had baby) we ventured over to my inlaw’s house for supper.
After eating supper I walked and walked and walked around their yard. I was determined to get my body going and really hoping that when I went back to the doctor I was going to be told that I had progressed. Once you pass that due date you really start to get anxious. I know this because ALL 5 of my boys were late!
When we got home that night I was very tired and restless so I laid down and went to sleep really early. I woke up at 5:19am the next morning. I just happened to look at the clock and remember the time. I had a contraction that woke me up. Nothing painful, but enough to wake me. I went to the bathroom and climbed back into bed, but I couldn’t get back to sleep, so I got up and showered and got ready for the day. I had a non-stress test planned for 9:45am, so I figured I might as well just go ahead and get ready since I was up and couldn’t sleep.
At 6:45am I was all showered and feeling more awake and ready to start my day. I went into the living room to sit and decided I was going to do a few squats to try and move things along. I squatted for a couple of minutes and then felt something weird, sort of like a movement of baby’s head or something. I am not real sure how to explain it. I stood up and when I did I felt a gush. So, I went into the bathroom and emptied my bladder. After emptying my bladder I decided to finish my hair and wait to see if it was for sure my water. (My water only broke by itself with 1 of my other boys and that time it was a major gush and continued over and over after that.) Once it started to run down my leg I knew it was the real thing and time to go, so I told my hubby to make the call to his parents to come watch the boys and the call to his work that he wouldn’t be coming in.
We waited for my inlaws to arrive and then headed to the hosptial. We arrived at the hospital around 8:00am. When we got there they took me into a room and hooked me all up to the monitors. I was having contractions, but nothing major. They checked me and I was “a good” 4cm. (If you remember I had just had a doctor’s appointment the day before and I was only 2cm at that time.)
When they checked me they said my water was still intact, and that I probably had a high leak or something. My doctor was at the hospital, but was performing a surgery, so they continued to monitor me and then had me walk the halls, sit on a labor ball, and squat. When my doctor came back into the room (he had come in once in the morning and checked me before going into surgery) and checked me he said I was now a good 5cm. I was so excited because I had done all that on my own without my water even being broken. My doc asked me if I wanted him to break my water and continue to go from there or if I wanted to go home to labor for a while.
My doc was leaving town and was going to be gone for the weekend, and I didn’t want to take a chance of not having him there to deliver, plus I was already at the hospital and had a sitter. We went ahead and had him break my water. My water was broke at 11:50am.
The anesthesiologist came in at 1pm to see if I wanted my epidural. He had a surgery that he had to do and he wasn’t going to be out until about 2-2:30. They figured if I didn’t get the epidural at 1 I wasn’t going to be able to get it. At that time I was 6cm and having some really good contractions. They were getting to where I was really having to breathe through them. I have a high tolerance for pain and was planning on going longer without the epidural, however my pelvic bone had been killing me my whole pregnancy and the more I labored the worse it got. I kept thinking that if I just got the epidural it might make things easier when I was trying to get the baby out, so I went ahead and got the epidural. Why go through all of the pain if you don’t have to, right?
The epidural worked wonderfully and at 3pm I was fully dilated and ready to push. I did a “practice push” as my doctor called it and they made me stop because baby’s head was coming out and they weren’t ready yet!
The doctor scrambled to get ready and by 3:34pm my baby BOY was welcomed into my arms!
It was such a happy moment!
My husband, Mom and Mother in Law all got to witness the birth of our beautiful baby boy.
We are all home and doing great.
The boys are adjusting so well and are such big helpers.
I truly am Blessed With Boys!
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