I have fallen a bit behind on the blog. I won’t lie, I want to sit down and relax a bit and just forget about everything around me, however I just have way to much going on to do that. So, here I am at 11:30 at night updating you all on our life.
We moved into our new home in March and are thoroughly enjoying it. We are now about 5 minutes from the school and are saving a ton of money in gas (the 30 minute drive to school got old real fast)! I am working as a secretary at the school (just part time). The boys love the new school, however they are excited for summer to get here—and so am I! I can’t wait to have a chance to relax a bit. Life has been busy.
This weekend was beautiful, so the boys and I spent as much time outdoors as we could. I thought you might like to see a glimpse into my world…
The back yard has a dirt pile and the boys are super excited about it! I’m really not sure what fascinates boys so much about dirt, but hours of fun in the dirt is definitely worth the 20 or so minutes it takes to give them each a bath.
And while playing in the dirt you are bound to find a worm. Why wouldn’t you put him in a glass of water so he could get a drink?
We are hoping that this is just the beginning of the beautiful spring weather and we will have many more days out having fun in the sun!
More to Come on Raising My 5 Sons…
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