I apologize for not getting around to actually post about my family and our life doings.
The month of Jan. was super busy for us. My husband traveled almost the whole month of Jan. with only a couple of days home here and there throughout the month. That being said, I had my hands full.
We got a bad snow storm last week and were stuck in the house the whole week with schools closed and the car froze to the ground (not that I was going to try to go anywhere to begin with.) My husband had to drive back from Nashville (which is a good 6 hour drive) in the mess. He made it home safe and sound, thank goodness!
When hubby came home the other day he caught us in the living room standing on our heads!
So what? We were bored! What do you do when you are cooped up in the house for a week? It was either that or we all pick on one another. I would
rather stand on my head. (Anything to keep my boys entertained.)
Of course hubby joined in!
As you can see, I’m about as good at standing on my head as my 2 year old! I couldn’t quite keep my legs up. Our older boys did not allow me to snap photos of them at the time, actually they were behind the camera some of the time.
I hope you all enjoy your weekend!
More to Come on Raising My 5 Sons…
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