What child doesn’t love a cuddly stuffed animal?
Although my older boys might not want to admit it, at one time or another each of my boys had a cuddly stuffed animal that they slept with every single night. Not only are they a great comfort for the child, but they are cute! Don’t you agree?
Build-A-Bear Workshop will be celebrating two major milestones in 2012. The first milestone is their 15th birthday! (Woohoo! We love birthdays!) Since the company opened its doors in St.Louis Galleria on October 27, 1997 it has grown to become a global brand while being recognized as a company with heart.
So, what is the second milestone?
The second milestone is the celebration of selling their 100 millionth furry friend! (That’s right, 100 MILLIONTH! That’s a LOT of stuffing!) Now isn’t that some beary special news? We think so!
In honor of their birthday and helping create 100 million best friends, Build-A-Bear Workshop wants to spread the word that Friends Count! Whether your best friend is one of your longtime gal pals, your spouse, your pet, or even your teddy bear, we can all agree that our friends have made our lives so much better.
I truly believe that Friends Count and that is why I wanted to take part in this special posting to let you all know about my friendship story.
My Sister…My Friend
While I am the oldest child in my family (I often like to tell people I’m the younger sister though. My sisters love that…he he!) I still find myself leaning on my younger sister. To be honest with you I do not know what I would do without my sisters. Being a stay at home mom has its ups and downs. While I love being home for my children, I sometimes find myself a bit depressed and shut off from the world outside of the walls of my home. That doesn’t ever last long though because I have my friend, my sister.
Whenever I’m feeling down, she’s there to turn my frown upside down. Whenever I need a shoulder to cry on, she lets me use hers. I really don’t tell her often enough how much she truly means to me, but I know that she will read this and she will know. (Thanks sista!)
There is something about a sister. You can tell them things that you might not feel comfortable telling anyone else…personal things. While friends often come and go, family is forever. We may have had our fights growing up and we may not have always seen eye to eye, but that has never come between the fact that we are sisters and we have that special bond.
Here’s to my sister…my friend.
Friends Count, we want to hear about your special friend. You know, the one you couldn’t live without. Even if your friend is your spouse, pet or a stuffed animal that you have had from your childhood, we want to hear about them!
(Disclosure: By publishing this post, I was entered to win a gift card as part of a promotional offer from MomSelect and Build-A-Bear Workshop. All opinions are my own.)
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