This weekend there were a ton of yard sales going on in the surrounding areas. I’m not sure how many of you are familiar with it, but they had the World’s Longest Yard sale. Here is the link if you would like to read about it. We decided to venture out a little and see what was out there. It was actually pretty fun! Ever since McDonald’s started giving away Beanie Babies again in the kids meals the boys have been wanting Beanie Babies, so every sale we stopped at they had to look for Beanies. They found a TON of them too! We got home and the boys headed upstairs to put their beanies in their bedrooms. They were up there for quite some time, but I didn’t really want to bother them because they were being so good playing and were being so quiet! Now I know that whenever they are quiet for too long I really should check on them, but I was tired from all of the walking we had done and I figured they couldn’t be doing anything that awful bad. So I let them go for a bit. About 10 minutes later I ask the boys what they are doing and my oldest comes running down! He is excited and out of breath. Of course, now I’m starting to get a little worried and am thinking that I probably should have gone up 10 minutes earlier when I had not heard them and had suspected they were up to some grand scheme. So he says…”Mom our bird Beanie can fly!” I’m like, what? It can fly? How can it fly. So he goes on to explain to me that they tied a string to the tag on the beanie and tied the other end of the string to the ceiling fan. He was so excited when he got to the part about how they all stood back and counted and then turned the fan on and the beanie spun around in circles until it was going so fast that it finally flew off of the fan and it actually flew in the air all by itself for a little bit! Can you believe it, beanies can fly!!!??? Kids are so funny! I had to sit them down and explain to them why they shouldn’t hook things to the ceiling fan, or even mess with them to begin with. One time when our 6 year old was younger he climbed up on the top bunk and tried to catch the ceiling fan. Needless to say he didn’t catch it, but the floor caught his face. We have been to the emergency room so many times that I actually think they know our names! When you have 4 boys though something is always bound to happen! I’m always joking saying that as soon as we get one hospital bill paid off we are right back in there adding up another, and really it is pretty true! The people at the hospital will always have a job as long as we live in the area! Really though, our boys don’t get hurt to awful bad. I guess I’m just a pretty overprotective Mom and I always feel that I have to take them in to have them checked out if I’m not sure about something. If it eases my mind and makes me sleep though I feel better about it. Better to be safe than sorry.
Well the kids are dying for me to cut the brownies we just made, so I am going to call it a night. More to come on raising my 4 sons!