As a busy Mom of 5 young boys I definitely know about sibling rivalry. Not only am I a Mom, but I was also the oldest child in my family. That’s right, I knew how to boss my sisters around and convince them into doing the things I didn’t want to do or the things that would get them into trouble. Bad, I know! I bet my Mother wished she had a pocket referee!
I’m not kidding, there is a new product on the market called, Pocket Referee, and I’m wondering to myself why no one had thought of this sooner? Seriously, this product is so simple yet so wonderful, and it fits in your pocket!
The Pocket Referee provides kids a process to settle disputes on their own. It eliminates the need for mom or dad to intervene and be the “bad guy.”
How does it work?
1st- choose the first person to be the coin holder by flipping the coin.
2nd- When a Conflict comes up the coinholder can choose to have it their way, but then they must pass the coin to their sibling.
3rd- Or the coinholder can choose to let the other sibling have their way. If they choose to let the other sibling have their way then they get to keep the coin for a more important conflict. It’s really a Win-Win!
The next time you hear your children arguing, have them settle it with the Pocket Referee!
Why not save everyone the headache?
Disclosure: I received a product in order to write my review as part of a promotion with Living Your Moment . All opinions are mine and mine alone. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255 concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising.
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