It’s a beautiful morning. The birds are sitting outside of the window chirping. I have a feeling it’s a little cool outside, although I haven’t ventured out to check it out. The boys are all still sound asleep in bed. How did I ever manage to wake up before all of them? I have no clue!
Yesterday morning I was in the bathroom getting ready when my youngest (almost 2) comes walking in. He walks in, walks right over to the bathroom counter, pulls the bottom drawer out and climbs up on the counter. He did this so fast I barely even had time to ask him what he was doing. However, when I did ask him he did not respond, he just kept going on about his business. He leans over towards the sink, turns the water on, puts his little hand under the water, rubs his hand on his head, and then picks up the brush and brushes his hair! It was so cute! This time when I ask him what he is doing he says “my hair.”
I have been thinking a lot about my blog name. I am still eager to hear suggestions.
If we have a boy the name will definitely be Raisingmy5sons, however if we have a girl the name will have to change.
My father in-law suggested a name yesterday and I’m sort of digging it. What do you all think of Raisingmy4guysandagal? Is that too long? Would you remember that? I want something that could be easily remembered and is not too long to type in. I would love to hear all of your ideas and input!
I like to be prepared either way. However, I still have a ton to do before the baby is born.
Were you all prepared before you had yours? I felt like I was pretty prepared with my others, but I just don’t feel like I am with this one. I still have quite a few things to get since we got rid of a lot of things after our last child. I have never really pumped either and plan to try pumping a bit so the boys can get involved in the feedings too. They are actually excited!!! I am looking for a great breast pump and would love to hear what your favorites are!
Well the boys are starting to wake and I have a busy day ahead of me!
More to come on Raising My 4 Sons…