-Be sure to leave a valid email address so that I can contact you if you win. If I can not find an email address your entry will be disqualified.
EXTRA ENTRIES: (Leave a separate comment for each thing you do–If you do something that has 2 entries be sure to leave 2 comments and so forth.)
2 Entries-Grab my button and add it to your page (be sure to leave your link so I can check it out!)
2 Entries-Blog about this giveaway linking to http://raisingmy5sons.com on your blog (be sure to leave your link so I can check this out as well!)
1 Entry(per giveaway entered!)-Enter one of my other giveaways and tell me which one you enter.
1 Entry(for each)-Become a Facebook Fan of Raising My 5 Sons NEW Fan Page!, Follow Raising My 5 Sons on Twitter and Tweet the following (tweet daily for extra entries)
Rules: Open to readers in the USA. Giveaway ends March 24,2010 11:59pm EST. The winner will be randomly chosen and will have 48 hours to respond. Thank you so much to the sponsor and good luck to everyone entering!
(I was not paid to say any of these things. I was given a FREE product to review. The fact that the product was free did not sway my opinion of the product. I only give honest reviews of products that I try. Thanks!)
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