I once read a quote that said, “Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting.” That quote has always been with me. There have been times in my life when I have received something that was very much needed at just the perfect time. I know it was no coincidence and that everything happens for a reason.
We recently had the opportunity to sign up for a campaign through Madame Deals Media, with the help of Gutzy Gear. We were given $25, a set of Gutzy Gear Backpack straps, and the instructions to Pay It Forward and help someone in our neighborhood. I was pretty excited about this. I went out right away searching for the child. After contacting a couple of people who had already received school supplies, I decided to announce what I was doing on my Facebook page. I was going to leave the post up for one whole day and would just choose the child to give the prize to, however I ended up taking the post down within 10 minutes. You see, a friend of mine sent me a very sweet message about how a friend of hers had been praying for help with the purchase of her children’s school supplies, so she was nominating one of these children.
I was on a mission to fill this backpack, however after thinking about it, I didn’t want to just buy school supplies, I wanted to buy the supplies that child really needed. I asked my friend what grade and school the child went to and we filled his backpack for him with the supplies necessary. But, that’s not all because we found out that the child had 3 younger siblings. We couldn’t let those children go without school supplies (although I’m sure the mother would have purchased them.) It was killing us to just buy for one, so we pulled together and we purchased supplies for all 4 children.
Now, I’m not telling you about this because I want some sort of recognition or applause. No, that is not what we want at all. What I want you all to know is that just a short time ago (a week ago) I wasn’t sure we were going to be able to provide the 4 children that we have with all of their items they needed to start back at school. You see, we are sending our boys to a private school this year and we have never paid for school. We really weren’t sure if we could come up with all of the money. What did we do? We prayed about it. And guess what happened? We were not only blessed with enough money to pay for our boys’ supplies, but we had enough money to purchase school supplies for 4 additional children. That is a true blessing!
Now we couldn’t have done this without the help of Gutzy Gear, who supplied us with decorative straps for the children’s backpacks (their eyes lit up when they saw these!) as well as the $25 to fill the first backpack, and Madame Deals Media,, who made this all possible!
That is AWESOME! Supplies for 4 is a lot of money! So glad you got help and they are ready for school!!! =)