Lately I have had a lot on my mind. You see, God has been busy leading me to places I never thought I would be. I want to tell you a little of my story, where I’m at right now, where I thought I would be and how I got here.
2 years ago we were living in a small town, sort of out in the boonies (meaning we were 20 minutes from the nearest grocery store or any store really). We were content. We were living in the home that my mother grew up in. It had been in my family for over 40 years and the plan was to always keep it in the family. We completely remodeled this house with our tastes and the intent of living out the rest of our lives in this home.
And then things changed…
God spoke to us and he wouldn’t stop telling us what he wanted until we finally listened.
Now some of you may think I’m crazy, but I’m pretty certain many of you will understand that when God speaks, he’s pretty hard to ignore. He’s pretty persistent. Remember the time I did the Sock & Underwear drive? God wouldn’t let me say no. You can read about it HERE if you don’t remember.
Well this was another time that God was speaking. Why wouldn’t he? I mean, we did ask him to show us what he wanted us to do. We were determined to live a Godly life and who better to lead us then God himself?
So one day I felt the need to research a school, a private Christian school. We really had no problems with the school our children were currently in, but the thought of checking out this school just sort of came to me. I started by looking at their website (everything is online now days, so what better place to start?) I wasn’t sure what was leading me to look into this school and really had no intentions of doing anything with the information I was gathering while looking.
A couple of weeks after checking out the website I still had this school on my mind. It just would not leave my thoughts. I thought it was very strange because we didn’t want to switch our children to a new school. They were established and had their friends and we were all …again, here’s the word…content. However, that didn’t stop the thoughts and constant feeling of having to dig in and learn more about the school. I was a little stubborn and constantly trying to convince myself that I didn’t need to research the school, but the thoughts wouldn’t leave and so eventually I conceded.
I went to Facebook (everyone knows that you can find anything you want on Facebook, right?) There I started to ask questions about the school. I found a couple of people (that I didn’t know) who were able to give me some info about the school. Still I was not convinced, but the thoughts of the school were getting stronger and stronger. It got to the point that I was thinking about this school every single day.
Finally, I asked my husband to tour the school with me. He was very reluctant as we were….content, but he agreed because he knew how much it was bothering me. I know I shouldn’t say bothering me, but at this point it was sort of bothering me because I couldn’t stop thinking about this school.
Fast forward to today…
Our children attended this school last year. We started off making the (almost) 30 minute drive on a daily basis. Since I had one in Preschool that went half days I was making this trip back and forth several times a day. The drive was getting old real fast, but we knew that this was exactly where God wanted us…it just felt so right. That’s when we decided that we were going to move. We asked God to lead us where he wanted us and show us the path he wanted us on…and He did.
We made offers on several houses and they were all declined or someone else would buy the houses right before we got the chance. We started to question the move, but then we were reminded that we needed to be patient because God knows best and we were on his timing. Our house wasn’t selling either, which was very stressful. There were many tears shed. I don’t want to go into a lot of details about the house we were trying to sell, but I do want to say that God had a plan there the whole time and we simply weren’t listening. You see, we had someone ask us to rent the house early on, but we were convinced we needed to sell the house and so we declined. In the end, we rented the house to this couple and couldn’t be happier to have helped them and ourselves all at the same time. God is great!
So our search for a house continued, and then one day it happened…the perfect house came on the market. By perfect, I mean perfect for us. My husband and I knew it was going to be a lot of work, but we love a challenge (we really do). We knew before we ever stepped foot in this home that we were going to buy it. I really feel that God led us here.
The home we bought was a foreclosure. The roof was falling in (literally). There was mold, ceilings were falling in, it needed a new roof, new carpet…everything needed redone (for the most part). It didn’t matter to us though because we were able to see what the house could be. Like I said before, we just knew this was our new home before we ever walked through the door. I think our realtor was a little shocked because we put an offer on the house on the spot.
We still had our other house at this time and we had no idea how we were going to make both house payments plus our school payment, but we told God that we knew he had a plan and we trusted him. Boy did he keep true to his promise. We somehow came up with the money for school and both house payments every month. I’m still not sure how that happened, but it did.
Today I started my first day of training for a new position at the school. I felt led to this school and am excited to be taking a role as part of the office staff. I see great things in the future and trust that God has a plan even bigger than we can imagine.
If you have never asked God where he wants you, go ahead and do so, just be prepared to sometimes do things that are out of your comfort zone, like holding a Sock & Underwear drive. With God on your side, you can do anything you put your mind to.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” -Proverbs 3:5-6
How true! Thank you for sharing. <3
You’re welcome! I really just felt led to share my story and where I am right now in my life. I’m happy others are taking the time to read my extremely long post. Thanks! 🙂
I dont I think I have ever told you that I find you to be an inspiration, to moms everywhere! I needed to read that today. the timing could not be more perfect :)))
You’re so sweet Deb. Thank you so much!