Operation Smile is an awesome organization that performs life changing cleft lip surgeries on children whose families could not otherwise afford it. They are a children’s medical charity and their mission is to heal children’s smiles, changing their lives forever.
There are many ways to help this wonderful cause, including choosing to rent your college textbooks through a company like Campus Book Rentals, as they are a company t hat truly believes in this charitable organization. So much, that they are willing to give some of their profit to help put smiles on the faces of these children.
Did you know that every three minutes a child is born with a cleft? It’s not just a blemish though. Often these children are unable to eat, speak, socialize or smile. There are places where these children are actually shunned and rejected because of their appearance. So often they have to live with this as their parents are not financially able to afford the surgeries they need to help them live a normal life.
Operation Smile is one of the top charities providing their surgical services to turn the lives of these children around. They have been in business since 1982 and through the help of dedicated medical volunteers they have provided more than 3.5 million comprehensive patient evaluations and over 200,000 FREE surgeries for children and young adults born with cleft lips, cleft palates and other facial deformities. That’s amazing! (Did you catch the part where I said MEDICAL VOLUNTEERS? How awesome that they would volunteer their services and expertise!)
Operation Smile’s mission is truly awesome! This is one of the top charities in the world!
There are many ways you can get involved. Campusbookrentals.com believes so much in Operation Smile that a portion of their proceeds from every book rental is donated to the charitable organization. Little by little they are helping to turn frowns upside down! Every child deserves to smile.
*This is a sponsored post. We only give honest reviews.
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