Every year you can bet that at least one of my boys will have some sort of robot on their Christmas list. What little boy doesn’t love to play with robots? When asked by MindWare which product we would like to review my boys were quick to say that ReCon robot!
About the ReCon Rover…
The Recon Rover can teach kids about basic computer programming as they set the course for this smart robot to do different tasks for them. The robot has a microphone, speaker, LCD screen, 10 button keypad, cargo hold, LED headlights and MORE! You can use the maps to plot the robot’s path and record the code for each mission. If you want the robot to deliver a soda, patrol the house or relay a message you can easily program it to do just that! How cool is that!? I think it’s super fun telling the robot to give the boys messages for me when they are on the other side of the house! 🙂
Do you think your children, or even your spouse/significant other would love to have something like this? (Yes?) Well then hurry and sign up to WIN one!
(MindWare sent us a free ReCon Rover for this review. We were not paid to post this.)
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