Do you ever look in the mirror and wish you could change something? Let’s face it, at one point or another we have all wished we could change something about ourselves. As a teenager I wished I had a smaller nose and bigger breasts. While I was pretty thin I wanted to be thinner and I wanted my feet to be smaller. I probably could have picked myself apart every week with different things I wanted to change about my body.
Things are different now. As an adult there isn’t quite as much I would change. While I don’t love that my feet are big (they really are skiis) I am used to it and I do like the fact that I am a little taller. I figure if I had smaller feet I would probably be shorter too, so I deal with the big feet and am happy that I have the height. (Try to put a positive twist on things). I used to wish my breasts were bigger, and then I breastfed–5 kids! While the larger breasts were nice while they lasted (they really were nice too!) after looking up what breast implants cost today I couldn’t possibly come up with that sort of money.
Genetics gave me chubby cheeks and a large nose, however I could never change that because then my children, who were blessed with what I considered blemishes, would no longer look like me, and when I look at my boys those blemishes no longer look like blemishes and I am proud to carry them. Somehow things that seemed so out of place start to take place and everything changes when you have kids. I look in the mirror now and realize that life isn’t all that bad and God really did have a plan when he made me.
You have me in tears!! But I completely agree with you, ever since the day my first child was born, i see life with a new perspective =) It really makes you realize what life is all about!!
Awww, so sorry to make you cry. I’m glad you liked the article. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂