Well darn! I hate to admit it, but the boys were right. Mommy really is getting fat!
I had a doctor’s appointment yesterday, and he confirmed it. You know, I knew I had gained some weight, but I really didn’t realize it was this much. Everything is good with the baby and all, but the doc said he would like to see me watch my diet a little more.
Yikes, the word diet always scares me! I have never had to really watch my diet while I was pregnant. I’m not saying I just pig out and don’t eat healthy, but I would splurge from time to time on some things I was craving. Don’t we all though? I didn’t really think the foods that I have been eating were all that bad, but I guess there have been times when I could have chosen a more healthy alternative. I will admit that I was splurging on caffeinated beverages a little more than I should have been too. My doc somehow seemed to know this without me even telling him. I am swollen as well, which is probably adding on some extra weight.
My Wii fit is going to get a workout because I plan to get it out and start getting my butt back in shape, and YES I do mean my BUTT! Holy Moly, I didn’t realize how big it had gotten!
So now that I have been honest with you all…
Have any of you had to really watch your weight gain during pregnancy? If so, was it hard for you?
It’s a beautiful day! The sun is shining and it’s almost 60 degrees outside! The boys have been loving the weather and have been taking advantage of it by playing outside. I would love to go out, wash my vehicle and take a walk, but darn it I’m stuck inside waiting for the people from Dell to call! They were supposed to come today, but still have yet to call me to confirm a time. Grrrrrr
(Oh, and I wanted to add that I had all intentions of being brave and posting pics that my 4 year old son took of me this morning, but this computer doesn’t have the slot to stick my memory card in and I can’t seem to find the cord to my camera. I will post them once my laptop is fixed.)