Yonca at Yonca is Cooking has tagged me! It’s a picture tag! I have never been tagged before, but I think this is going to be fun!
So the rules of the picture tag:
►Open your first photo folder
►Scroll down to the 10th photo.
►Post that photo and story on your blog.
►Tag five others (or more) friends to do the same
Ok, so I cheated a little! Since I don’t show pics of the kids faces on my blog I scrolled past the 10th photo and used one a little bit further down (probably about the 15th photo…and I added my logo to the pic before posting it here.) I didn’t figure you all would mind! 🙂
This photo is of our littlest guy when he was about 10 months old. I was doing a photoshoot of him and he really wasn’t into it. He turned away from me and I kept shooting photos. Sometimes ones from behind are just as cool as the ones from the front! 🙂
Ok, on to the picture tagging…I’m tagging 5 of my wonderful Bloggy Friends. I can’t wait to see all of your great photos! Here are my choices…
*Stacie at Super Mommy to the Rescue
*April at Mommyhood Unscripted
*Lisa Anne at Smell the coffee Lisa
*Helene at I’m Living Proof that God Has a Sense of Humor
*Mouthy Mama at Mouthy Mama-Life on the Mothership