What a day!
It rained off an on today so we stayed in all day. I had planned on getting some more organizing and housework done anyways, so this was the perfect opportunity, right? Well, that is what I thought! But then I guess I forgot that I have 4 boys and organization and boys just don’t go together! It seems as though every time I put something away the boys get it out along with 10 other things! Gotta love em!
However, I did manage to keep them downstairs while I put laundry away (mind you I had 3 of the 4 home today. Tomorrow I will have 3 of the 4 in school, so maybe I’ll get a little more done, or maybe not, maybe I’ll just relax a bit or make a trip to town for a treat that I feel is well deserved right now. ๐
Speaking of the laundry upstairs, I am still wondering why we ever decided to move our bedrooms upstairs, oh yeah, that’s right because there were 6 of us living out of 2 bedrooms downstairs and we were cramped! Boy do I miss just walking into the bedrooms downstairs to hang the clothes though. I tell you that trip up the steps a hundred, ok 5 times, with full loads of laundry in hand seems like a climb up and down and up and down a steep STEEP mountain. Needless to say my thighs are on fire today and my arms hurt as well. It’s ok though because now I feel that I got my workout in for the week. That counts, right? I’m going to assume you are all agreeing with me and move on. ๐
Oh, and I must ask (and please if you know the answer feel free to jump up and shout it out because I really would like to know this one) why do little ones insist on picking their nose and eating it? Seriously what even posses them to do this? I don’t even know why you would THINK of doing this! Yuck! Enough said…
Another little update for you all…
If you have been following my blog for a while you know that I was trying to wean my baby (way back when…)and we were doing really well and only nursed in bed at night. I pretty much left you at that and you probably had thought that I had him weaned by now. Well, if so you thought wrong. This little guy thought he was just going to nurse forever, but Mommy has finally started to get him weaned. I’m tired, tired of waking up all night long. I told myself that by 18 months we were definitely going to be sleeping through the night and the only way I could do that was to wean him. I am happy to announce that the band aid method works GREAT! If you are ever having problems weaning, or know someone that is you might want to try this or pass it along. It has worked great for my last 2 children (of course they must be old enough to understand.) You put band aids on and tell them you have ouchies and they are sympathetic and won’t want to hurt Mommy. Wait, does that sound mean? It really wasn’t bad though. He has gone 2 days now without nursing. Hubby was great enough to get up with him in the middle of the night the first night and last night he slept IN HIS OWN BED all night long! Woo hoo!
More to come on Raising My 4 Sons…