Daddy had to go away for a business trip the other day. The boys are missing him, but we have been keeping busy, so it hasn’t really been as big of a deal to them. They sure do love their Daddy!
We had the last of our Easter parties today. It was a real good time. The kids all played with their cousins. I thought they would have been tired by the time we got home, but they ran inside just long enough to throw things down and then were back out the door to play with the neighbor boys. We have a neighborhood FULL of BOYS! It is great though because the boys always have lots of friends to play with! At Easter today there were a lot of boys too. There were my 4 boys and then 3 of my cousins’ boys and 2 girls, however one is 15, so she wasn’t so into playing with the kids. I felt sorry for that poor little 2 year old girl! She played great with our youngest though!
Can you believe I forgot my camera?
I rarely leave the house without my camera and I was so bummed when I got there and realized that I had left my camera at home! So, unfortunately I don’t have any photos to share with you.
I promise I will make it up to you all within the next couple of days and I will overload you all with pics!
Off of the subject…
I just found out that I’m going to be an AUNT again!!! My younger sis just found out that she is expecting her first baby!!! I think I’m more excited to find out what she is going to have then what I am having! Not that I can’t wait to see what I’m having, but I’m just really anxious to see what my sis is having! 🙂 We really need some girls in this family! My other sis has 2 boys, so there are no girls as of right now.
I would love to tell you more about my weekend, but after our busy fun filled day of Easter parties and then coming home and watching a movie with talking hamsters I’m pretty tired! I must give credit to all of you single Momma’s because after a couple of days of the boys by myself I’m TIRED! Being pregnant doesn’t help that any though.
However, we are having fun and hopefully we can get well rested tonight and have another fun filled day tomorrow.
More to come on Raising My 4 Sons…