It’s what parents all over the world are thinking, saying and sometimes fighting over. Seriously, have we gotten to the point of needing to comparing our children with the kid next door? We compare their ability to kick a soccer ball, make a basket, throw a pitch and much more. But why?
What does it do to a child when they hear that they do not throw the ball good enough, dance, sing or write good enough? Have we taken into consideration that our children are molded by what we do? They are learning from what they see and what they hear. Do we want our children to not only be judgmental upon themselves, but also upon their children and those around them?
Have we taken into consideration that maybe…just maybe the things we wish our child could do better are simply for our own personal needs? For if a child is trying his/her hardest…are they not succeeding?
Reward your child for their efforts.
Comfort your child when they fail.
Teach your children that mistakes happen and NO ONE is perfect.
And most of all…Love your children for who they are.
Beautiful and well said! I definitely think parents put way too much pressure on their children these days.