We had a great long Holiday weekend. My hubby is home until Wed. He took the day off of work tomorrow since it is our 4 year old’s first day of preschool. I’ll be ok, really I’ll be fine!!!! I just keep telling myself that. We had a lot of fun kid friendly meals this weekend. The boys loved it, and I loved that I didn’t have to do a whole lot of preparation and cooking. I’m not one to write down what I put in something and make it the same way every time. I sort of just add things as I’m going. My family doesn’t complain, so I must be doing something right.
For lunch one day we had grilled cheese. How do you like your grilled cheese? I like mine with onions and banana peppers…yummy! If you like onions and banana peppers and you have yet to try it like this you really must! Today the kids wanted grilled cheese again for lunch. I thought I would add a little to it, so we had ham and cheese and onion and tomato all grilled on the top of the stove. It was yummy! Again, simple and super quick, but yummy!
What a fun and relaxing weekend! I’ll post about our first day of preschool tomorrow.
For now I’ll leave you with some pics I took of the boys by the lake at a little beach today. We had a lot of fun! 🙂