My 18 month old is a little meanie. He gets kicks out of being mean to his brothers and the dog. I guess being the baby he feels that he must defend himself, however all of the boys are so good with him. He is just such a little stinker! Don’t get me wrong he’s a little ball of fun and can be so very sweet, but he has this rotten side to him. His brothers actually think it’s kind of funny when their little 18 month old brother thinks he can pounce on them like Super Man.
As I type he (18 month old) is trying to dump his cup on the couch. Don’t worry, Daddy just stopped him. I can only smile and shake my head right now as I think about how much of a stinker he can be. The dog is cuddling up as close as she can possibly get to me without being completely buried in my backside. I think she thinks that if she is out of sight he will forget about her and leave her alone. She only wants to sleep. Poor Doggy!
As for the other boys…
I had parent teacher conference with my Kindergartner’s teacher today. The conference went great! She had nothing but good to say about him! I am so proud of all of my boys!
We have been working on a school project with our 9 year old the last couple of days. This is actually our first big project that we have made together, and I find it a lot of fun. I enjoy doing crafts with the kids, and while this is a little more than a craft I think it is great quality time spent with our children.
My 4 year old is really getting in the mood for Christmas. He wants everything he sees on television, however I still don’t know what he really wants. I really just think that he likes to circle everything in the books and point to everything on the television in hopes that Santa will just bring him everything since he can’t decide on exactly what he wants. If only it could be that easy.
I am still trying to get the house all organized and everything ready for the holidays. I can’t believe how quickly the holidays have come upon us. I look so forward to celebrating with family!
More to come on Raising My 4 Sons…