*Thank you to Poise for sponsoring this post and keeping me confident!
I have given birth to 5 children. Four of those boys came naturally, while the other was welcomed into this world through an emergency c-section. When my younger sister was about to have her first baby she asked me (the veteran Mom) what piece of advice I would give to a 1st time expecting mother. You know what I told her? I told her to always be prepared.
Oh how quickly she learned that she needed to always be prepared. I will never forget the time we were out shopping together. (We were both pregnant, although I was very early on and she was quite a bit further along…almost due). We were going along through the store when all of a sudden I felt a sneeze coming on. I stopped dead in my tracks…crossed my legs…and sneezed. My sister just looked at my like I was crazy! It’s funny how quickly she learned what I was doing! You just never know when you are going to have to be prepared, and that is why I am happy to have products like Poise Microliners.
Ok, now let’s get a little bit uncomfortable with our talk for a minute, but it’s something we should definitely be talking about. First, if you are a new mother, you must know that bladder leakage during and after pregnancy is absolutely normal—especially if you’ve had many children. (I’m sure I have a few veteran moms nodding their heads in agreement right now).
This might sound just a little bit silly, but the Poise Microliner really has changed my life. Yeah, that sounds weird when I say/type it, but it’s true, so I’m just going to put it out there. Light bladder leakage (we will refer to it as LBL throughout the rest of the post), is not a joking matter. I mean, yeah we may joke about having to cross our legs when we sneeze (even after having kids), but it really is frustrating, especially if you aren’t protected (if you get my drift). Now, I’m not one for wearing a big fat pad on a regular basis. Who wants to feel uncomfortable and over protected? Not this girl!
I’m just going to say that the Poise Microliner is thin enough that you don’t even feel like you are wearing it, yet it keeps you confident and protected from LBL. The new Poise Microliner is unlike the other liners because it features SAM (Super Absorbent Material) that will allow you to stay confident, worry free and prepared when LBL does strike.
I’m sure there are a lot of women who do not want to talk about this issue, but the fact is that one in every three women experience LBL, which can be triggered from everyday occurrences such as coughing, sneezing, laughing or even exercising. (Remember that ladies before you hit the gym after having that new baby!) Many women rely on feminine products or nothing at all to manage their little leaks because they don’t know there are solutions designed for LBL or they don’t think incontinence products are for them. Trust me ladies…there’s nothing more embarrassing than laughing at a joke so hard you cry down your leg! You get what I’m saying?
I encourage you to give the Poise Microliners a try yourself.
*Thank you to Poise for sponsoring this post and keeping me confident!
I love how thin and discreet these are!