I received a phone call yesterday from a receptionist at our doctor’s office. She said that our doctor had received the ER report from when my youngest took a tumble down the stairs last Friday. If you missed that post you can read it HERE. (I’ll warn you though that there are pics and it’s not pretty!) The doctor wanted to do a follow-up on our little guy since it was such a big bump to the head and there was so much swelling.
I didn’t really know what to expect going in because all the receptionist said was that the doctor got the report and he wanted to see my son. I was a little worried that maybe he saw something that the Radiologist at the ER didn’t see. I was relieved though when we went in and he told me that he was just concerned because of the amount of swelling. He said our little guy seems fine, but we should still keep an eye on him and bring him in if he starts to act differently. We were very lucky that he didn’t have any major damage.
Our doctor’s office has a television on the wall in the waiting room. While we are sitting there an infomercial or commercial comes on about some exercise equiptent comes on and my 4 year old looks at me and says…”Mommy, Look you can get that, then when your belly is getting bigger you can use that machine!”
Gotta love em’!
This morning before the doctor’s appointment my 21 month old (he has a real sweet tooth) comes up to me and asks me for candy (nandy as he would say. He can says his brother’s names that start with a C, but when he says candy he says it with an n.) Anyways, he comes up to me and asks me for candy. It’s like 10 in the morning, I’m not feeding him candy this early, and besides I don’t have any candy. So, I tell him candy is all gone. He goes back into the living room, sits down and continues to watch cartoons with his brother, so I go back into the restroom to finish getting ready (I’m beginning to think I should just leave my house looking like a slob because it seems something always happens when Mom is in the bathroom, and I tell you I’m very fast when I’m in there-not like I used to be before I had kids.) I come out of the bathroom, walk into the living room…No baby there. I go into the kitchen. As I’m walking in I can see that there is a chair missing from the table, so I know right away that he is probably getting into something on the counters. What do I find? He has the sugar canister pulled out and is eating sugar with a spoon! Yep, that’s my son. I just want to know how he knew which canister was sugar because that was the only one that was even moved. Silly boy!
Tell me I’m not the only one with a curious little boy with a sweet tooth. What has your child done lately?