Do you use coupons when you shop?
I have to admit that I LOVE coupons, but I don’t like to clip them and sort them.
That is one of the reasons that I prefer to search for coupons online.
Have you seen the site yet?
I just recently was introduced to this site. I spent quite a bit of time on it checking things out and looking for great coupons that I could use for my family.
I love that they have specific categories along the side of the site that make it easy for you to find the coupons that you need. For instance, I was looking for clothing and back to school items for my boys and they were both right there along the side of the page making it super easy for me to find the coupons that are right for me.
I NEVER shop online without a discount/coupon code.
I will be using from now on when I am searching for discount/coupon codes.
Being Mom of 5 young boys I don’t have a lot of time to search all over the internet for things. I also don’t have a lot of time to sit and clip 5 different newspapers and then sort things.
Life is busy and things can be a bit hectic at my house, but at least I know that there is a one stop shop where I can get my coupons and still save myself time and money!
You can not online find discount/coupon codes for online shopping, but printable coupons and discount gift cards as well.
If you haven’t checked out you really should.
I would love to hear what you think of the site.
Is it worth your time? Did you like the coupons there?
How do you prefer to get your coupons when you are going shopping, or do you not use coupons when shopping?
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