Wouldn’t it be nice if as we got older we didn’t have to worry about our skin aging? I certainly think so. I can remember when I was a teenager and often too lazy to even take the time to wash my face before going to bed at night. I can also remember not having to worry about applying concealer under my eyes and foundation all over my face to cover up imperfection. Oh, that was the life! But, back to reality, I am aging and it’s a part of life. I don’t mind, as long as I don’t age too fast. I love reviewing products made for aging skin. While I may not be old, I have started to see signs of aging (I did pluck my first gray hair on my 30th birthday! Yikes!)
I was sent Nerium AD to review.
Whenever reviewing a new product I often go into it with an open mind. I don’t expect it to do miracles on me, however I always hope that there will be some noticeable signs that it is working.
I have lines on my forehead (Yes, I admit it!) so this was the first place that I wanted to see signs that the product was working. I applied the product nightly all over my face for a week. After the first 3 days I was already noticing a difference in the appearance of the lines (I refuse to call them wrinkles) on my forehead. Not only are they hardly visible after a week, but my skin feels great too! I have super sensitive skin, which always makes me leery of trying new skin care products. If they don’t work with my skin I’m liable to end up with a very broke out face and I definitely don’t want that!
All in all I thought the product worked nicely. I would love to continue trying it for a longer period of time. It’s definitely worth talking about and is something that I feel pretty confident about recommending. It was simple to apply and easy to wash off in the morning. (Simple is always good for us busy moms!)
For more information visit ginaj.nerium.com.
(Disclosure: The product in this review was provided to me free of cost for the purpose of conducting this review. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.)
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