We received product from Miche to facilitate this post. We only give honest reviews.
I really do not know how I went so long without knowing about Miche bags. I admit to you right now that I have a handbag addiction love. For years I have been collecting my favorite bags, adding them to my collection, sharing them with friends and family when I no longer have room for new bags, and enjoying each one as they are over my shoulder. I LOVE handbags, and this is why I was super excited to hear about Miche Bags.
Have you heard of Miche Bags?
For those of you that haven’t, I would like to explain…
You purchase the inner part of the bag and then you purchase shells for the outside of the bag. It’s so simply that it really is genius! You slide the inner part down into the show, pull the tabs over and close them (they have magnets so they stay in place). That’s it! You just switched out your bag without even moving everything from the inside! Now tell me that isn’t genius!
Now I know I just explained how easy the bag is to change out and how convenient it is, but look how cute they are!
I am in LOVE with my Miche bag and can’t wait to purchase more of the shells so that I can change them out to match my different outfits!
For more information visit the Miche website. There are many different sizes and colors to choose from! Oh, don’t take my word for it, head on over and check it out for yourself!
We received product from Miche to facilitate this post. We only give honest reviews.
So glad you love your Miche! With 4 different base bag sizes to chose from, along with an endless array of shells and handles, there is something for everyone! Right now we have an amazing Anniversary BOGO sale going on so its a great time to try Miche.
I love being a Miche representative. I signed up November 2012 without ever seeing a Miche bag in person – the Opportunity is just that incredible! We have an anniversary starter kit special for $77 – less than the cost of dinner out on the town for two.
Any questions, I’d be happy to answer them 🙂