Where am I?
I am here, however I haven’t exactly had a lot of time to blog. As I stated in my post yesterday, my boys have been taking turns getting sick the last couple of weeks. It seems once one is better another comes down with it and it’s like a vicious cycle. I think once we get one sickness out the door the person that started that sickness then brings in another sickness. No fun and I’m definitely not ready for all that winter has in store for us. When you have more than one child bringing stuff home from school and stuff it gets tough.
If you have been reading my blog long you probably know about what my husband has gone through over the last couple of weeks, however I’m going to refresh your memory for those that are new here, or those that simply don’t remember (don’t feel bad, I have a terrible memory too!)
It all started back in June while we were on vacation miles and miles away in another state, TN to be exact. My husband came down with what we thought was a terrible stomach bug towards the end of our trip. He spent an entire day doing nothing but throw up and sleep while the boys and I were out using up the tickets that we had purchased before leaving for our trip. I felt terrible leaving him in the cabin in that condition, but he said he felt best when it was quiet and didn’t want the boys to remember the vacation like that. The following day, he woke up and was no longer throwing up, however he had such intense stomach pains that he could hardly stand. He tried to tough it out and did make it through the Aquarium and a Mirror Maze with us, however I could tell he was not feeling well, and in very bad pain. I took him back to the cabin and the boys and I went to eat. He wanted us to pick him up before going to buy souvenirs, so we did. When we arrived to pick him up he looked even worse than he did earlier in the day, so I insisted we go to the hospital. After running tests and so forth they told us that he need to have an emergency appendectomy immediately. Try sitting in a hospital by yourself where you know no one with 5 young boys, while totally freaking out…no fun! I was scared out of my mind and yet I was able to somehow keep it together and keep the boys calm.
Wait, it gets worse…
That happened back in June. In August my husband was fully healed from his surgery and so we decided that it was time for him to get a vasectomy. I know, not something any man wants to hear me talk about, but I must so you all know what he really has been through. The surgery went great, however he ended up with a hematoma that took over 2 months to heal! Talk about in pain and uncomfortable! He was swollen bigger than I even knew possible and there was nothing we could do but wait.
By now, as you can imagine, he was frustrated and starting to wonder WHY?
You know, why me? Why this? Why now?
We are just thankful that it wasn’t something more serious and that he eventually got better without more surgeries or anything.
That brings us to today…
About a week (maybe not even that long ago) my husband developed a small lump on his arm under the skin. At first he thought maybe it happened while wrestling around with the boys and that it would go away. It didn’t really hurt him, was just there and noticeable. After a few days, rather than go away, it began to grow. It is now very noticeable and hard. I made him go to the doctor today. The doc said that he isn’t sure what it is, but it is definitely under the skin, but not in the muscle. He said he wanted him to get into a specialist as soon as he could. I called the specialist office and they got him in tomorrow! (Thank God!) So, if you all could please pray that this is nothing serious I would be so grateful!
Thank you!
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