We were all up pretty late Friday night, so last night we were all pretty tired. We had a busy day with family yesterday. Boy am I glad we went to bed a little early!
I woke up in terrible pain at 1am. I mean pain so bad that I couldn’t get comfortable, could hardly walk, and was throwing up. After dealing with it at home for a bit I decided I could take it no longer and needed to go to the ER. Hubby called his parents and they came and sat at our house while the boys slept.
We spent 3 hours at the ER. They could tell I was in pain when we got there, so they took me back right away. All I wanted were some pain meds, but unfortunately they had to examine me and everything first. I continued to throw up all the while. My bp was lower, my temp was lower and I was really hot and sweating. They also said my potassium was low and gave me a couple of pills for that.
I knew what was wrong with me and told them right away. I had a kidney stone. I have had kidney stones with 3 of my 5 pregnancies. It is very painful and not something I would wish on anyone!
They gave me an IV with fluids, pain meds, and something for the vomiting. They drew blood, took a urine sample and then sent me up to OB for some fetal monitoring. The baby is great! He/she was very active and kept moving around making it hard for them to keep the monitor in the right place on my belly.
After being monitored in OB for 30 minutes they sent me back down to ER where they monitored me a little longer. After getting my results all back they confirmed that it was a kidney stone (which I ended up passing) and I was able to get some sleep. Ahhhhh sleep!!!
I am still in a little pain, but nothing major. More uncomfortable than anything I would say. I will be following up with my doctor the beginning of the week. I just hope this is the last time I ever experience this.