It looks like we will be spending yet another weekend at home. Our youngest has been having diarrhea for the last 2 days. He vomited once yesterday, and today as we are on our way out the door to go to the doctor’s office my 4 year old had what my husband would call and a$$plosion! It has been one of those days for us. The boys had today off of school for President’s Day. Of course, they haven’t been in school since Monday because of the snow and they won’t go back to school until Tuesday. Wow, that’s a long time with no school! Back to what I was saying…We wake up this morning and the youngest has a soaked sleeper and is smelling really awful! I can take some smells, but this is really bad! Being that I have morning sickness and all I try to change him and end up running to the bathroom to throw up! My oldest is kind enough to offer (Ok, I bribed him) to help change his brother’s stinky butt. As he opens the sleeper and realizes the extent of the a$$plosion he realizes that he is in way over his head and decides to give up and let Mommy take over. So, I grab a clip that I use to pin my hair back (I’ll try to find a pic of one so you all know what I’m talking about.)
(The clip looks like this only without all of the pretty stuff on it.)
I pin my nose shut (I really should go out and get myself one of those nice little swimmers nose clips. That would probably look a little better!) I change the baby while gagging my way through it. I realize about halfway through that I don’t have any bath water running, so I send my oldest in to get that started. He does…God bless him! I throw the baby in the bath while he is crying and shivering because he just got up and wants to eat his breakfast. I get him all cleaned up and decide we MUST call the doctor. I sit everyone down, ask them all how they are feeling. It seems every time I make a doctor’s appt. for one another one becomes sick right after we return home from the appt. They all say they are feeling fine, so I just make the appt. for the youngest. I get my shower and everything is going well. (Mind you our appt. time was only an hour from the time I called to make it.) As we are getting ready to head out the door my 4 year old says he has to use the restroom. He runs in and has himself a good a$$plosion! He comes walking out with new clothes and asks me if they are ok. They look fine to me, but as I’m helping him get ready I notice he smells really bad! So, I run into the bathroom to get the bath water running again and as soon as I get the door open the smell hits me and I’m throwing up in the trash can! Gotta love morning sickness! My older 2 boys are completely ready to go and starting to get annoyed that we aren’t walking out the door. I ask them if they will give their brother a quick wash for me while I finish getting sick and God bless them they agree! Of course, they asked for something in return, but they are cleaning up poo, of course I’m going to reward them! At this point I’m willing to do whatever it takes! When that mess is all cleaned up and everyone is dressed again we head out the door. We were only 5 minutes late getting to the docs office. Good thing the roads were good today and the docs office isn’t very far! We get there, the doc looks them all over…Good news is that my 20 month old’s cold (sore throat, upper respiratory, and ear infection) are all better! Bad news is they both have some sort of GI thing going on. We have to keep them hydrated and wait it out a few days. He did give me a name of what it was, but all I really remember was GI. If they aren’t improving within the next couple of days we have to have their poo tested. Won’t that be fun!? Let’s just all pray that this gets better within a few days and no one else gets it!
That’s not all though. We leave the docs office and head to the post office (our mailbox is missing due to heavy winds and lots of snow so we have to pick up our mail at the post office until we get a new box, which I hope happens this weekend!) Anyways, we get our mail and head home. As soon as we walk in the door the boys see that the answering machine is blinking. I listen to the message and it’s the docs office calling to tell me that I forgot something! So, we all load back up and drive back in to the docs office. After that I took everyone through McDonald’s drive-thru for lunch!
How has your weekend started off? I sure hope it’s going better than mine!
Uh oh, I smell another a$$polision from the baby who just walked in the room….