Don’t you just love when you get on the phone with the doctor’s office (and before you get on the phone you warn the kids that you are going to be on an IMPORTANT phone call and they must be very quite) and one of the kids has to blurt something crazy really loudly while sitting next to you? This happened to me this morning. Hubby’s shoulder has really been hurting him lately. He can’t even sleep much at night due to the pain. I’m not really sure what he did to it, but I decided that he really needed to see the doc before it gets any worse. I tell the boys before I get on the phone that they must be VERY quite because Mommy is making a VERY IMPORTANT phone call. The boys agree that they will sit as quiet as they can and I dial the doctor’s office number. As the receptionist picks up I tell her who I am and what I’m calling for. She’s asking for a few details and all of a sudden…(You knew this was coming) my 4 year old says (VERY LOUDLY) I farted Mommy! When I don’t immediately respond to his statement he feels the need to repeat himself! Oh my! Ok, son…shhhhh Mommy’s on the phone. I sort of laugh a little and continue with my conversation.
Or don’t you love it when you are telling a story to someone and you are sure you remember it happening the way you are telling it, but one of your children insists that you are telling the story wrong and you look like a complete liar? Really, I know it happened this way, I think I would remember, but then again I guess my 9 year old does know EVERYTHING!
Oh, or what about when you are face to face with someone and they ask you if you like their (let’s just say) blouse. I mean, if someone asks you a question like this (someone other than a sibling or very close friend or relative that you can be brutally honest with without ruining a relationship) what do you say? I never want to hurt anyone’s feelings. Anyways, what if they ask you and you say you like it only to have your child step forward and blurt out, but Mommy you said at home that Purple is a horrible color and no one should wear it (this is just an example because my mind isn’t working fast enough on this early morning.)
Wow, we are still trying to get back into the swing of things. My oldest went back to school today. I really didn’t want to get up at 6 am, but I manage to pull it together and was glad I only had one in school today (and not the one that I needed to drive to school!) I was such a bad Mommy this morning as I was checking over my 9 year old for chicken pox (just to be sure not to send him to school with any.) The bad Mommy part comes in now…I was a little bummed to not find any! I was sort of hoping everyone would just come down with them at once and we could all go back to bed and have another week’s vacation. Of course, we really do need to get back into the swing of things and it was probably a good thing everyone didn’t have them. I don’t really need 4 of them scratching and crying and scratching and crying….You get the idea.
How was the morning for everyone that had to get up and send their kids back to school today? We did pretty good, but I’m sure tomorrow we’ll probably be dragging a bit.