Well things have been really busy around here, to say the least.
We received a ton of snow, and then some more snow, and then the weather started to get nice (in the 50s-that’s nice for us right now!) and then we got a LOT of rain and now there is a ton of flooding! Yes, all of that in the same month. The kids have been out of school due to snow and then due to flooding. A lot of the local schools had water in them, and some people had to be rescued from their homes by boat! How crazy, right!?
Here is a video that my cousin shot in a town nearby.
With the kids being home I haven’t had much time to sit down and blog.
I realize that I am due to announce winners, and I apologize for taking so long to do so. I will get to those within the next couple of days. I also have a ton of new giveaways that need to be posted and I hope to get to those for you all as well.
Life has been great for us, however I have been so busy!
Our little man is pulling himself up to everything, crawling and getting into everything! Our boys are ready for spring and really just want to play outdoors and enjoy some sun! (I can’t say I’m not feeling cooped up myself and like I need out of the house and a little sun!) My 5 year old looked out the door this morning, the sun was shining and he said, Mom, it looks like a bike riding day!
I wish it were a bike riding day, but the ground is so yucky and it’s still pretty cold out. Soon though, I hope!
More to Come on Raising My 5 Sons…
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