Wow! I won an award! I’m super excited and I must thank Yonca at Yonca is cooking
I love reading her site and feel so privileged to have been offered this award by her! Thanks Yonca!!!!
The rules of the “One Lovely Blog Award” are:
Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Now time to share some love!!!
I’d like to pass this lovely award on to the following friends;
Jenna at The Jackson Five
Molly at I’m a Sleeper Baker
Mya at Surviving 3 Boys
Stitchin Sarah at Beans Bags and Bottoms
Chris at Chatterscene
Clueless Momma at Guessing All The Way
Elizabeth at In The Mommy Trenches
Char_Char at Not Your Typical Mom
Annette at Under The Loupe
Erin at The Testosteron Adventures
Momma Snail at The Snail’s Trail
First time Mommy at First Time Mommy
The Mattesons at All Because Two People Fell In Love
Karen at Tweens Teens Moms Fashion Etc.
Sophia’s Mom at Wannabe Work At Home Mommy