We received product to facilitate this review. We only give honest reviews. All opinions expressed are our own.
When we were asked to review the Belly Armor protective blanket I jumped on the offer! My husband thought I was a little silly at first, until I explained to him exactly what this product was and the reason I wanted it. His opinion of the product changed very quickly!
What is Belly Armor?
Belly Armor is a patented Radiashield technology that blocks 99.9$ of every day radiation caused by cell phones, laptops, iPads and more! That’s right, they have come out with a wonderful product that you can simply throw across your lap, chest, or any other part of the body to protect you from these harmful waves of radiation! I don’t know about you, but this excites me!
I have often sat with my laptop on my lap and wondered what sort of damage I was doing to my body. The laptop would get a little warm on my legs and then I would get nervous. Now, I place the Belly Armor on my lap first and I don’t have to worry as much! (I should mention that I try not put my laptop directly on my lap, however I have from time to time).
This product was originally designed for pregnant and nursing women, however did you know that men can actually become sterile from too much radiation? This is a great product to protect men as well as women.
We love our Belly Armor!
For more information visit the Belly Armor website, www.bellyarmor.com.
We received product to facilitate this review. We only give honest reviews. All opinions expressed are our own.
My boys have laptops.
I should mention this product to them. Thanks
Thanks Mandee for the informative article.
You’re welcome!