Talk about a crazy day!
It rained off and on almost all day so we were stuck indoors most of the day. Of course, I decided that since we are going to be having a birthday party here in a couple of weeks (our 2nd child is turning 6) we should do housework today. Now I do housework daily, but today I wanted to go through and do a real good cleaning. The kids were a little bummed about it at first, but once we got started they seemed to be enjoying themselves! They were wiping everything down with their little rags. It was actually pretty fun! Not that I really think cleaning is fun, but I really enjoy spending time with my boys, and I love when they are getting along.
And then it happened…someone decided that what they were cleaning was not the most fun thing to clean and from then on the fighting began! A house with 4 children can be quite crazy at times, but I assure you that a house full of boys is also quite loud! While I love to listen to the boys ramblings and funny stories, I sometimes just want to pop in a set of earplugs. Good thing they make Tylenol! I’m sure the person that invented that must have been a Mother! And no less, she was probably a Mother of boys! ha ha! Just a guess. ๐
Today wasn’t really so bad. We had our occasional fight, and some craziness, as always, but the boys did help clean and what am I to expect when we are cooped up in a house all day long?
While cleaning I found the baby’s new hiding spot. I had honestly thought that the dog was taking the food away from him all of those times. He’s such a little busy body and is always climbing out of his highchair, so a lot of times when I’m trying to do dishes or clean up in the kitchen I will give him a cookie or something and he will stand beside me and eat it. I’m always shocked at how fast the cookie disappears. I know why now! He has been putting them in my kitchen drawers AND cabinet doors! He’s so funny! But Mommy knows his secret now! ๐
Today I was browsing the net for good deals for back to school clothing for the boys. I came across a Monster Sale at Children’s Place with like 40% off. Who can resist that, right? Of course, I couldn’t leave without placing an order. I can’t believe it is that time of the year again already and the kids will be back to school soon. So I placed an order for 20 items and spent $106 (tax, shipping and EVERYTHING!) I thought that was a pretty good deal! Now I can officially say we have started our school shopping. Yay!
That is it for now. Be sure to keep checking back as we are going to be hosting FREE giveaways soon! Who doesn’t love free products, right?
More to come on raising my 4 sons! ๐