I sat down this evening to write a blog post. I had intentions of writing a post that was full of inspiration and useful tips, however as I’m sitting here I can hear my 14 year old blowing a goose call from his bedroom, my 7 and 9 year olds are playing a game together (which is great, however they are super excited and loud), my dog is trying to get attention from anyone and everyone, and my 12 year old is yelling for one of his brothers from another room.
Can you see why my train of thought is easily lost?
I have always said that my house is full of lots of love and laughter, but it is also very LOUD!
Raising boys…
You might be woken at 6am from a ton of little Nerf bullets flying at your head (It’s happened!)
You may find yourself hiding in a closet just to eat that last piece of chocolate without anyone seeing you! (That’s happened too!)
Texting is often a better option because the kids are always excited when they talk and voices can’t be controlled—they seriously get louder when the phone rings.
You probably know all about farts, burps and boogers. It isn’t unusual to hear full on conversations about these things—-on a regular basis.
Wrestling is expected and you may find yourself saying, “This is why we can’t have nice things,” more often than you’d like.
More importantly, you’ll find that boys are super special. They may be loud, messy and talk about silly things, but they love unconditionally and are always looking to protect one another and those that they love.
I’m so glad God decided to make me a Mom of Boys.
Do you have any fun stories to share about raising boys?
We want to hear! Leave it in the comments below.
I agree that boys are super special. I have a girl and a boy and they are certainly both different to raise.