If you are anything like my family, you love Rascal Flatts and find yourself singing their songs in your head from time to time (ok, all of the time!) The simple fact that Rascal Flatts are so awesome and their music and name can sell itself had me a little confused as why they would need any help at all promoting their new cd. I didn’t care though, I signed up because anytime I can get my hands on one of Rascal Flatts cds I’m game!
The cd arrived the other day and after listening to the first song I knew what was up. The cd is maybe a little bit more controversial because the very first song on the cd is somewhat of a Christian-type song. When I opened the information pamphlet to read about the cd there were personal “Thank You” messages from each of the musicians and God’s name was mentioned several times.
Now, my take on this…
Why should this be controversial? Years ago it was nothing for someone to say, God Bless you, Pray to God, Thanks be to God or anything along those lines. Where has the faith gone? Do people just want to have that choice to decide themselves what they feel, do and believe in their lives? Why cut out God? Why not make a cd and thank God? Why not sing about how God has changed your life? I think this cd is amazing and the very first song, Changed has touched me in so many ways. It gave me goose bumps when I listen to it and makes the hair stand up on my arms. It is truly one of those songs that you just want to play over and over again. When I’m not having a great day, I turn on music like this. It’s what gets me through my tough times…that and prayer to GOD.
Maybe I’m wrong about why they needed or wanted the help promoting this cd. Maybe they simply wanted help promoting the cd because it was their first album being released with brand new material in two years and they really wanted to get word out about this new cd because they knew it was going to be BIG, but they wanted to world to know a little sooner. Either way, you have my take on the cd. I think it’s great and could really “Change” a lot of people’s lives after listening to it. Music touches lives and can truly be the help that someone needs when they are feeling down.
I found myself telling everyone about this cd the minute I listened to it.
A little more information about Rascal Flatts and their new cd: Changed…
Since their musical debut in 2000, the band has sold over 21 million albums, 25 million digital downloads and they have delivered 13 #1 singles to the top of the charts! (Pretty impressive if you ask me!)
Changed is full of the band’s high-gloss harmonies, songs that speak to our hearts, and above all, their desire to push themselves to bring more to the table with each record. (I think they have done just that with this new record! It really is one that everyone should listen to at least once.)
For more information about the band, their new cd and any of their other cds visit RascalFlatts.com.
The video below is Rascal Flatts themselves described how they have Changed and grown up themesleves as well as in the music industry. They thank everyone in their lives. Check it out!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBBUjBaYLGw]
Love Rascal Flatts?
Why not sign up to WIN airfare, hotel, tickets and meet & greet passes for two lucky fans to see Rascal Flatts on their summer American Band tour kicking off this June with Eli Young Band, Little Big Town and Edens Edge. Contest ends April 30th.
(Disclaimer: We received the new Rascal Flatts cd free of charge as a member of One2One Network to help with this review. We only give honest reviews.)
I love Rascal Flatts and inspiring music, so this sound like the perfect combo to me. Music with a Christian flavor seems to be a little more acceptable in country music, and I, for one, am glad that there are artists out there whose music, art, etc. reflects what they believe without apology.
Saw them in concert a few years ago… They were excellent! One of my favorites!