Thank you to Family Christian for sending us the Royal Tailor CD for review purposes. All opinions expressed are our own.
A couple of years ago I attended my very first concert…EVER, and I must say that it is a concert that I will NEVER forget! The concert we attended (my husband, myself and a group of other members from our church) was the Casting Crowns “Come to the Well” concert. Along with Casting Crowns were a group of other great performers and among them was Royal Tailor. Now, I’ll admit that before this concert I had no idea who Royal Tailor was.
After Royal Tailor performed we caught him walking around the halls mingling with fans. It was so cool to see him interacting with everyone! I have to admit that I got a little excited when he got close to us. You see, I’ve never been THAT close to a musician or anyone as popular/famous as Royal Tailor!
When we left the concert many of us were talking about how cool Royal Tailor’s performance was. He was doing back flips and cool dance moves on the stage right in front of us and was just so “smooth”. I bought his CD that night because I knew my boys would love him. I was right too, they enjoyed every minute of it and soon we were all dancing in our kitchen to Royal Tailor tunes! I tell you, his music makes you want to move!
If you’ve never heard any of Royal Tailor’s music I highly recommend you check out this song, Give Me Faith (video below). It’s from the CD we received for review, and is one of my favorite Royal Tailor songs.
Have you heard of Royal Tailor before today? If so, what is your favorite song?
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We received the CD mentioned above from Family Christian for review. We only give honest reviews. For more information or to check out all of the awesome products visit Family Christian HERE.
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