Today is the boys’ last day of school.
While I am sure they are super excited, I have to wonder if they are a little sad since this is the last day they will ever attend this school. (We are planning to move and send them to a private school.) I’m a little sad by it, however I feel deep down that what we are doing is the right move for our family.
It was comical watching the boys dance around the house with all of their excitement today.
While I’m thinking about how we get to sleep in, they are talking about how they can stay up late, get up early and do so much more in a day! Boy it’s going to be a LONG summer, but I love the extra time I get to spend with my boys.
Now that summer is approaching we need to start thinking about all of the fun things we are going to do. Summer seems to go by so quickly and I really don’t want to just sit around and waste the time away.
We will be playing/watching baseball games, taking trips to the park, zoo and even the pool! It should be a great summer. While we have many things planned I have to sit back and think about what I am going to do to keep everyone safe during the summer. Not only do those mosquitoes get bad, but the sun can be quite harmful as well. We plan to load up on sunblock and insect repellent before we head out for a campfire or off to the pool.
What do you do to stay safe during the summer?
Will you be planning a big trip this summer, a camping trip, or just hanging out around your local area? We want to know if the economy has changed what you had planned to do this summer?
I hope you have a great summer! Dylan is done 2 weeks from today. I’m looking forward to sleeping in just a bit!
We are planning a big vacation this summer. Probably just a week at the beach, but we haven’t made plans yet!