Our boys have always loved the Disney characters as well as the Disney channel. Unfortunately, we haven’t been lucky enough to visit Walt Disney World, however we hope to some day! We received a free #DisneySide kit in the mail so that we could share our Disney Side with all of our friends and family members—Party style!
We had originally planned to have the party right around Valentine’s Day, however 2 of our children were sick that weekend so we pushed it back a week. It turns out, 2 of our other children ended up sick that weekend. Given the timing and the sicknesses going around we didn’t have near the crowd we had hoped for, however everyone in attendance had a great time!
The kids had a lot of fun making mini pizzas! We even put them together on the plates to look like Mickey’s head!
The pizzas were so very simple to make. We used hamburger buns (halves). Top the bun with pizza sauce, toppings of choice (we used Hormel bacon bits and pepperonis) then top with cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes and enjoy!
The decorations were enjoyed by all! I started decorating while my kids were out of the house with daddy picking up some of the guests. When they arrived home they were surprised and super excited! (The mustaches were simply a fun added bonus we thought we would treat our guests with!)
I think the favorite part of the party (by most of the kids AND adults) was the shirt decorating table. We had some pretty creative adults and children in attendance that day!
From the time the guests arrived to the minute they were walking out the door there were laughs and great fun had! We can’t wait until our next opportunity to show our #DisneySide!
*We received a free Disney kit to help throw this party. Everything expressed in this post is genuine and our opinions only.
Wow those are some very good drawings!
Good job on the T-shirts, guys!