I never really did understand that whole Sick as a dog saying, but it sounded good for today’s title. Please forgive me if this post isn’t the greatest. My head is stuffed up and I’m coughing like crazy! I’m having a hard time talking, let alone thinking.
Just to fill you in a bit…
Last Thursday my oldest started to come down with something. He had a lot of the symptoms of h1n1 and with that going around I didn’t want to take any chances, so I took him to the doc that day. They tested him for Influenza A and he was negative.
On Saturday his symptoms were getting worse (and by now the antibiotic that the doc had given him should have definitely been working) so I took him to the hospital. They did not test him for influenza at the hospital because it was already past the 48 hour window that they can treat you in. So, we were told to take him home, keep him hydrated, keep his fever down and have him get lots of rest. We did just that and today he is back in school! He was sick for a total of about 4 days. He still has a little cough and stuffy nose, but the doc told me to send him back to school since he hasn’t had a fever since Sunday morning and he is no longer contagious.
Saturday I started to feel bad. I was feeling really bad by Saturday night and was running a fever as well. Of course, while we were at the hospital I didn’t feel that bad, so I didn’t think to get myself seen. (Boy do I wish I would have because I could have gotten on Tamiflu and might be better today!)
Sunday we were all just sitting around at home because we couldn’t really go anywhere or do anything since we knew our oldest probably had the flu, and I could have as well. Around 3pm my 4 year old walks up to me and says his legs hurt him really really bad and he doesn’t feel good. Oh no! He was getting achy and I feel him and he has a fever! I didn’t waste any time. I jumped in the shower, (since I hadn’t been feeling well earlier and was just laying around) get ready, and head to the hospital with him. I knew he had just gotten sick and the test might not come up positive, but I didn’t want to take the chance of waiting to long to get the meds in him. The test did come back negative, as did the strep test (his throat was really red.) We sat at the hospital, unable to breathe with our masks on, for hours! When we were finished the doc said we have all of the signs and symptoms of the flu (of course I didn’t have myself seen again because as a Mother I was only thinking about my child at the time and some how was able to make myself feel normal long enough to go to the hospital and have my child looked at) so they were going to treat my little guy with Tamiflu. I was so relieved to hear this…only, it was Sunday and there were NO 24 hour pharmacies close to us! I had already driven 30minutes to the hospital and now I had to drive another hour to get to the pharmacy. Then, I had to drive another hour and a half (not quite, but close) to get home! It was worth it though to get my child better. So I did just that.
While I was at the pharmacy my hubby calls me and says that my 6 year old now has it! By now it is getting pretty late and the boys are getting ready to lay down (plus I’m over an hour away) so we decide we will just take him in first thing in the morning. It doesn’t stop there though, he calls me AGAIN while I’m out to tell me that my baby (17 month old) has it! Now I’m really starting to worry because I know that when I get home I’m really in for it!
I arrived home a little after 10 pm. All of the boys were in bed sound asleep, with no fevers (thanks to Daddy and the Tylenol.) I was so tired I just wanted nothing more than to hop into bed, but we all know it never works that way, so after getting everything done that needed to be done, and tucking kids into bed a second and third time (they were coughing a lot and needed their Momma a few times) I finally made it to bed around midnight or so.
I have been sick (as I stated earlier) since Saturday. I thought I was on the road to recovery yesterday and then I woke up today and vomited. I felt pretty bad earlier, but am not doing near as bad now (however, I’m not good either.)
So, that is how our last couple of weeks have been. Oh, and all the kids were seen at the doctor’s office on Monday and are being treated for h1n1 with Tamiflu. They are all doing well. 🙂
More to come on Raising My 4 Sons…When I am well…