The kids thought we were full of tricks this week. We were supposed to go Trick or Treating on Thursday and my oldest son was sick all day. I took him to the doctor and they tested him for Influenza A. The test came up negative and they prescribed him an antibiotic and said he should be feeling better in no time. He took a double dose of his antibiotic the first day and then had a dose the next day and another again today. So, all in all he has been on the antibiotics for 3 days. He was still running a fever of 102.9 and I can’t get it to go away except with tylenol and motrin, but once the meds wear off the fever is back. So, I took him to the hospital’s Urgent Care today to have him looked at. They said that they are pretty positive that he has the flu, but since he has had it for more than 48 hours they are not able to treat him with Tami-flu. So, we just have to keep him hydrated, make sure he gets lots of rest,and hope for the best. (Oh, and they also said that sometimes when you are tested for the flu within the first 24 hours of getting sick it can come back negative…that stinks!)
I started feeling sinus pressure as well as a stuffy nose and sore throat a couple of days ago and today it really hit me. Unfortunately I have been feeling this for a couple of days as well, so there is nothing I can do for mine either. I am going to watch the other boys closely and if they start showing ANY signs I’m taking them in RIGHT away.
I’m not sure if you all have tried this, but because of the earth’s rotation and gravity you can actually stand a broom on it’s brisstles and let go and it will stand by itself! We have been trying this out the last few days and even left brooms standing overnight last night-they were still standing when we got up this morning! The boys just love this!
This pic is of the boys broom.
I hope to post more soon, but please forgive me if I’m a little slow at posting or getting back to your comments while I am sick. I will get back to each and every one of you though…I promise!