One of the worst parts about winter for me and many others is the change in your skin. Have you ever noticed that as soon as the weather starts to change, so does your skin? It can be quite frustrating, but there are measures you can take to prevent your skin from getting out of hand and crazy dry. (Nobody wants to deal with dry and cracking skin).
Tips for Keeping Your Skin Soft and Healthy During Winter Months:
1.) Keep showers and baths short and not too hot. Exposing your skin to water for long periods of time strips skin and dries it out even more.
2.) Apply moisturizer within 3 minutes of stepping out of the shower or bath. -One moisturizer that is known to absorb on contact is the willa face friendly Clear Face Moisturizer. This product will not clog your pores and is packed with all-natural, healing ingredients such as aloe, green tea, mango extract, vitamin C and eucalyptus.
3.) Do not forget sunscreen. Protecting your skin from the harmful effects of the sun are very important. Surprisingly, they are strong even in the winter. willa face and day spf30 tinted face protection is a great product for defending your skin against the sun’s damaging UVA/UVB rays.
4.) Eat a healthy diet. Make sure you are eating enough protein, fat and vegetables, and not too many processed foods. Your skin will look so much better when you follow this rule!
5.) Prevent your lips from chapping by keeping them hydrated with daily lip balms. willa smile butter lip balms are made with shea butter for major moisturizing and conditioning, plus vitamin E to keep your lips hydrated for hours.
We reviewed the willa naturals be brilliant body lotion. It smells wonderful. Scent is very important to me when I’m choosing a body lotion. I loved the texture of the lotion and how smooth it made my skin feel. I even think it would make a great gift, I mean look how cute the bottle is.
You can find the product we reviewed and other willa products at Target stores.
*We received products free of charge to write this post. We only give honest opinions.
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