As parents we tell our children that sticks and stones will break our bones, but names will never hurt us. But sometimes names do hurt, don’t they? We don’t want them to hurt, but when a bee stings, it hurts, am I right? We want to teach our children about what is important and what is right, but we need to be sure we are leading by example. Have you ever found that you are struggling yourself with anxiety and depression, yet you are trying to tell your children not to worry and be anxious?
Often times parents don’t realize that they have needs that need to be met in order for them to meet the needs of their children. We must know that while it’s ok to be a little scared sometimes, we are protected. Just as we tell our children, do not worry, for you are protected.
Today I shared a bible story with my little ones from their Tiny Bear’s Bible.
This story is a great reminder…
David Fights a Horrible Giant
1 Samuel 17
“Come and fight me!” Goliath glared.
But everyone was much too scared.
“I will fight you!” David said.
The giant laughed– and then fell dead.
Now, Tiny Bear; he had one stone—
But David did not fight alone.
God helped young David! Yes, it’s true.
And God will help us–me and you!
Worry – hard to fight and yet something that wastes your time. We have no control over tomorrow. Learning to have Faith is the only way to let go of the worry bug,