Title catch you by surprise? I bet you are wondering what I’m talking about right? I’m sure if you have boys you aren’t the least bit surprised by my title.
Tonight I’m getting ready for bed and laying things out for everyone for school tomorrow when all of a sudden I hear my husband say, HELP! Now, it’s not like him to call for my help, but he seemed like he was really needing it, so I ran into the kitchen. This is where it may get funny for some (and I’m laughing about it now, but in the moment all I could do was yell, WHAT?)
One of our younger boys had got up out of bed and made his way into the kitchen. Apparently he had to go to the bathroom. I guess he thought the kitchen was the bathroom, so he opened the cabinet door, pulled the front of his pants down and started spraying!
I guess it’s a good thing he hosed down the pots and pans and not the food or anything that couldn’t be easily cleaned off! And so, I just finished giving all of my pots and pans as well as my cabinets and floor a good cleaning. Not something I had planned, but hey, it could have been worse, right?
So, if you are ever having a pissy day, just remember that it could be worse.
More to Come on Raising My 5 Sons…
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