Many people have been forced to work from home over the past year. Let’s face it, working from home isn’t always a bad thing, but finding ways to stay focused and productive may be a challenge when you aren’t used to working out of your home. Oftentimes the home is your place to relax and unwind, so some may find it challenging in the beginning to find that balance and motivation.
Follow These Steps to Increase Productivity When Working From Home:
- Create a Workspace– The first thing you will want to do is to create a comfortable workspace. This will help you to set that boundary between work time and relaxing time. When you are in your workspace you can achieve what needs to be done to complete your work tasks, and when you are in your other spaces of your home, you can shut off the work aspect and enjoy your time at home.
- Get Dressed– Every day when you are getting ready for the day, be sure to get dressed as if you were leaving the house for a workday. This will help motivate you, and will allow you to feel ready to take on the tasks of the day. Oftentimes when one stays in pajamas or does not pull yourself together for the day, you are less motivated.
- Set a Schedule– Setting a work schedule will help to keep that balance between work and home. This will allow you to have the time needed to complete work tasks, but also gives you an ending time so that you can look forward to other things you want to do such as reading, watching television or simply relaxing at home.
- Take Breaks– Make sure that when you set your schedule you also plan for breaks, and meals. You don’t want to overwork and feel like home is now no longer a place of comfort. Giving yourself some time to walk away and take short breaks will help keep you motivated.
- Make a To-Do List– Another great way to stay on task and motivated is by making a daily to-do list. This will allow you to feel accomplished as you check the tasks off of your list each day.
Love love love this! I totally need to get dressed every day instead of sitting in jammies… that would help a lot and make it feel more normal, too! Great ideas, thanks!!