Our weekend was pretty busy, but I did manage to get a few things done that I had been wanting to do before baby is born.
As you all know if you read my post the other day, my hubby has decided to take on a HUGE job and remodel (I mean completely gut) our kitchen and re-do it. He hopes to have this all done before the new baby comes, which did I mention is due in 38 days…who’s counting?
We got our kitchen cabinets ordered…OUCH!
We also ordered our DISHWASHER!!!! I haven’t owned a dishwasher in 10 years! Crazy, huh? I can’t wait to get the new dishwasher in! Our house is so old that we have a lot of obstacles to work around. We took a doorway out that led to the outside earlier this year. Probably wasn’t the greatest thing because now we have to cut some of the other doorways wider because if we don’t we will never be able to put new appliances (refrigerator and stove) into our kitchen!
Sure wish we would have thought about that earlier!
Oh well, I think I’m really going to like what we have planned. I promise to get before and after pics, but I don’t think construction will start for at least another couple of weeks because my husband has to put a new roof on the kitchen first. Yep, in addition to all of the other things he has to put a new roof on!
On another note, my sister and I went shopping for a bit this afternoon and I FINALLY broke down and bought an outfit for my baby if it does happen to be a girl! So, now I have my girl and boy outfit! I am so relieved to have that done, however I’m really thinking I probably didn’t need to invest in the girl outfit. It sure was fun though!
I normally just talk about my boys and the funny things that they say, but this is just too funny to not share with you all…
While we were at my sister’s house today (she has 2 little boys) her “almost” 3 year old son said the funniest thing to me.
I asked him…”G, what do you want for your birthday?” (His birthday is in a couple of weeks.)
He looks at me for a minute like he is really thinking and then he says…”I want a HUGE toy toilet! And I want it on wheels so I can drive it around!”
He sure does know how to entertain us!
Just a little update…
My 2 year old is doing pretty good with the potty training. I am not pushing him at all and I am pretty much just letting him go at his own pace. He still wears diapers except when he tells me he wants to wear underwear, but he has been telling me “Pee Potty!” quite a bit lately. He goes pee on the potty at least 3-4 times a day, which is a huge improvement. He sits on the potty more than that, but a lot of the time when he tells me “Pee Potty” I don’t actually get him in there in time. I can tell because he is holding himself and his diaper is warm. It’s ok though because he is learning the signs and when to go. I am actually very proud of him for doing this on his own!
I’ll keep you posted…
More to come on Raising My 4 Sons…